For Your 2025 GRAMMY® Consideration

Best Jazz Performance

From the album “Tales of Tricksters and Vagabonds”

Best Jazz Instrumental Album “Tales of Tricksters and Vagabonds”

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A suite, in 6 movements, “Tales” is a collection of pieces written about some of the “sketchier” characters from fiction.

From an outright murderer to a sharp-witted joker and everything in between, these “Tales” tell the stories of some intriguing and fascinating characters who tend toward the darker side of life.

Go to your favourite streaming platform and give it a listen!

Special guests on the album: Ofra Harnoy – cello, Jacob Slous – drums, Richard Moore – drums and percussion

Mixed and mastered (Dolby Atmos®) by Ron Searles Red Maple Sound
Graphics and web-design by Naomi Rae Estreicher

Funding support: The Foundation Assisting Canadian Talent On Recordings (FACTOR); Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Council; MusicNL; Yamaha Canada; Torpedo Bags; and All mouthpieces made and provided by Wedge Mouthpieces.